IPv6 in 2023: The Year in Review There is always a lot going on in the IPv6 space. Sometimes, it’s notable progress that is being made toward the widespread adoption of this protocol. In other cases, there are frustrating setbacks or delays, or even announcements...
The Network Automation Blog

IPv6 Explained: Why It Matters for Your Business & Your Network
If it seems like IPv6 has been an ongoing topic of conversation in the networking community for many years, that’s because it has. First introduced in 1998, there has been a gradual shift toward IPv6 over the years, and that shift is still ongoing. It formally became...
The Year in IPv6
With another year coming to a close, it’s a good time to check in on the status of IPv6 and take stock of all that’s happened within the industry. While the adoption of the advanced protocol has not necessarily been as swift or widespread as was once expected (or is...
The Path to IPv6 Part 3
IPv6 is not a new protocol, but given the time that has passed since its initial release in 1998, it is natural to find that some things have changed along the way. Lessons have been learned, best practices have been updated, and with more and more production networks...
Podcast Recap-IPv6 Buzz: IPv6 in the Asia Pacific Region
With the increasing global adoption of IPv6, does that present the Asia Pacific Region economies with an opportunity to create substantial value for the global network? In this episode of IPv6 Buzz: IPv6 in the Asia Pacific Region, Ed Horley and Tom Coffeen are joined...
IPv6 Adoption: Top 10 Countries (Updated post)
We have compiled a list of the top ten countries that have adopted IPv6 as of 2022. In this post, we’ll cover some highlights, metrics, and updates on where these top countries currently stand today. However, before we get into it, let's first discuss why IPv6 is...
Podcast Summary-The Problem With IPv4 Thinking
After years(decades?) of being programmed to work with IPv4, there are telltale signs that you might have fallen victim to a dangerous syndrome called “IPv4 thinking.” Thankfully, not only are there tests to assess if you have this syndrome, but there is a popular...
IPv6 Overview from APNIC Academy
APNIC (the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre) hosts a number of training events each year. With over 50 tutorials, workshops, and online labs and courses, APNIC Academy is an incredible resource to the networking community. The online course that caught our...
The Path to IPv6 Part 2
IPv6 is already here, but it is unevenly distributed. Many of the Internet devices around us can be configured to support the IPv6 protocol suite, but we are often still using legacy IPv4 systems. As you probably already know, the IPv4 address space is exhausted, and...
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