IPv6 is not a new protocol, but given the time that has passed since its initial release in 1998, it is natural to find that some things have changed along the way. Lessons have been learned, best practices have been updated, and with more and more production networks...
The Network Automation Blog

Six Steps to IPv6 (2022)
First - a Little Background The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is the entity responsible for handing out IP addresses for the Internet. IANA has announced that available IPv4 addresses, the ones we are most familiar with today with four groups of numbers,...
Top 5 Concerns of Network Admins About Migrating to IPv6 in 2022
Last Updated: Dec 28, 2021 Network administrators that have not acknowledged the existence of IPv6 do so at the peril of their employers and customers. This is due to not only technology moving forward according to new standards and best practices, but the fact that...
The Path to IPv6 Part 2
IPv6 is already here, but it is unevenly distributed. Many of the Internet devices around us can be configured to support the IPv6 protocol suite, but we are often still using legacy IPv4 systems. As you probably already know, the IPv4 address space is exhausted, and...
Top 10 IoT Trends for 2022
IoT (Internet of things) has undoubtedly laid the foundation for smart technology just about everywhere. As we begin to wrap up 2021, here are the top ten IoT trends we have to look forward to in 2022. 1. IPv6 In 2021, the number of Internet-connected devices reached...
Announcing Our New IPv6 Subnet Calculator
We are pleased to announce the initial release of our web-based IPv6 Subnet Calculator! This tool can be used to work within your IP block range and estimate the structure of your IPv6 allocation. Or you can just generate CSV files all day – whatever floats your boat....
Announcing Cloud Plus Pty Ltd Case Study
We’re pleased to announce our newest case study with Cloud Plus Pty Ltd, one of Australia’s leading independent cloud service providers. With a growing client base worldwide, Cloud Plus needed a comprehensive solution to improve its ability to provision new services...
What is IPv6?
Nearly all computers connected to the global Internet communicate with one another via TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). This standard communications protocol uses IP addresses to specify identification and location information for each...
In Case You Missed It: The 6connect Services Status Monitoring Page
Some customers may not know that we continuously broadcast our server status in real time. If that’s you, head over to the 6connect status monitoring page, where you can stay updated on all of our services! Simply go to https://status.6connect.com/ to find out if...
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