The RIPE 83 conference was a five-day virtual event that took place on November 22 - 26, 2021. The event gathered 1,126 Internet Service Providers (ISPs), network operators and other interested parties from 84 countries and provided a space to discuss issues of...
The Network Automation Blog

Top 10 IoT Trends for 2022
IoT (Internet of things) has undoubtedly laid the foundation for smart technology just about everywhere. As we begin to wrap up 2021, here are the top ten IoT trends we have to look forward to in 2022. 1. IPv6 In 2021, the number of Internet-connected devices reached...
NANOG 83 Conference Recap
NANOG 83 returned this month with both in-person and virtual meetings on November 1-3. The conference kicked off in Minneapolis with a hackathon followed by three full days of conference sessions including presentations, panels, and networking sessions. Opening...
New IPAM Feature Update
ProVision’s IPAM Module continues to get feature updates, so here are some highlights of recent additions that you may find interesting. One idea that customers brought up was Sparse Allocation support for IPv6. The challenge we ran into was that after talking to...
Netnod 2021 Conference Recap – BGP Prefix Filters
Last month we attended Netnod Tech Meeting 2021, a one-day event filled with a range of technical talks selected to interest both network operators as well as the broader Internet community. We particularly enjoyed a presentation by Carl Fredrik Lagerfeldt, Global...
IPv6 Progress Report: Top Sites 2021
Due to the total exhaustion of IPv4 addresses around the world, IPv6 readiness is more crucial now than ever before. As connected devices continue to play a larger role in our lives and the Internet of Things experiences explosive growth – reaching 38.6 billion IoT...
APNIC 52 Conference Recap – IPv6 Deployment
The APNIC 52 conference took the virtual stage last week from September 12-15, 2021. The conference was chock full of interesting tutorials, talks, and opportunities to learn and network, but we were most looking forward to the IPv6 Deployment session scheduled for...
Announcing Our New IPv6 Subnet Calculator
We are pleased to announce the initial release of our web-based IPv6 Subnet Calculator! This tool can be used to work within your IP block range and estimate the structure of your IPv6 allocation. Or you can just generate CSV files all day – whatever floats your boat....
Using ARIN’s RESTful API for IRR
ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers) has hosted a number of interesting and helpful webinars this year. We joined the Using ARIN’s RESTful API for IRR webinar excited to learn how to manage multiple IRR records quickly by setting up systems to connect to...
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