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What to Expect at NANOG 64 in San Francisco

NANOG, a community of industry experts that work together for the common good of the internet, is holding its next conference in San Francisco from June 1 – 3. We are looking forward to NANOG 64 as it offers a great opportunity to network with colleagues, freshen-up skills and talk about what’s happening in the industry. We are planning to attend this conference with great excitement!

Since we spend quite a bit of time in the city of San Francisco, we have some “insider tips” for you… Here are a few things to expect and prepare for before attending the conference:

1. Weather 

It’s believed that Mark Twain wrote, “The coldest winter I ever spent was the summer I spent in San Francisco.” (It’s becoming a popular theory that Ernest Hemingway actually wrote the famous quote.) Technically speaking it may be June in California, however San Francisco tends to be chilly in the summer months. The weather is forecasted to be in the mid-60s during NANOG, but be sure to bring layers as the fog almost always settles over the city and cools it off at night. For the most up-to-date weather, check out San Francisco’s weather app: SF Climates.

2. Parking 

Parking in downtown San Francisco can be expensive. NANOG 64 will be held at the Westin St. Francis in San Francisco’s historic Union Square. Transportation options within the city include the Muni Bus system, taxis, and Uber. BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) also is located only about three blocks from the hotel (Powell Street Station) so this is a viable option for those who may being staying in different parts of the city or along the Peninsula.

3. Traffic 

Along the same lines as parking, traffic can be troublesome unless you’re taking public transportation. Walking is the ideal option, and for those of you who are from out-of-town, hopefully your hotel will be near the conference center. If not, be sure to leave early and give yourself adequate time for public transit, taxis or other services.

Potential conversation topics to embark upon with locals:

  • How about those Warriors?
  • Did you know the fog here has a name? It’s Karl!
  • What’s the WiFi password? (guaranteed conversation starter)
  • How about that famous San Francisco Mark Twain quote, did you know it was really Hemingway???

We’re looking forward to meeting our friends and making new ones at NANOG. Be sure to follow us on Twitter at @6connect and let us know if you would like to meet. Enjoy NANOG 64!

Pete Sclafani:
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